Thursday 5 December 2019

How to choose a mobile phone? Don't just look at the processor!

Today, mobile phones are an essential part of our lives. No matter what we do, we will get mobile phones habitually. For many people, leaving a mobile phone seems insecure. It is also in life that major mobile phone manufacturers will adopt the "machine-sea tactics" to give consumers more choices and at the same time seek more benefits for themselves. I believe some netizens will ask, how to choose a mobile phone? Don't just look at the processor, these 4 details are equally important, especially the fourth one!

1.Storage and storage

Nowadays, we have entered the era of big data and high traffic. Compared with the past, our mobile phones have been "occupied" by various software. Although many seem to be "chicken ribs", if they are uninstalled, they are afraid of critical moments. use. However, what you need to know is that downloading these software requires a certain amount of storage space, and running them? A lot of running space, if your mobile phone has less storage and storage, let alone large game software, a few video software can Play your phone to "freeze"!

2. System optimization

Do n’t underestimate the system. Smartphones are composed of two parts, one is the parts and the other is the system. In this case, the optimization ability of the system is particularly important, because it can directly affect your experience! A mobile phone system with better optimization capabilities can keep you from stuttering for a few years, such as Apple's iOS system, OnePlus's hydrogen OS, and so on. There are certain differences in the systems of major mobile phone brands. You can choose according to your preferences, but it is best to choose a mobile phone with a better optimization ability!

3.Battery and charging efficiency

Compared to the system and storage, the battery is actually very important. After all, the battery's battery life directly determines that you need "3 charges per day", and you don't need to carry a charging treasure when you go out. The charging efficiency of the battery can directly determine whether you need to spend a lot of time every day on mobile phone charging. A mobile phone with a high charging efficiency can actually save you a lot of time, and these times can actually start up in many times To the key role!

4.Mobile phone screen

This detail is arguably the easiest to ignore, but it is very important. The mobile phone screen directly affects the eyes. A screen with poor resolution and dimming can easily hurt our eyes. After all, we now use the mobile phone for more than 3 hours on average. Therefore, when you buy a mobile phone, it is best to look at the screen of this mobile phone. What's your opinion on this?

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