Thursday 5 March 2020

iPhone SE2 reconfirmed

As we all know, due to the impact of "Wuhan New Crown Virus", many domestic mobile phone foundries have been affected to varying degrees. Therefore, some of the newly released Snapdragon 865 flagship phones have fallen into a "out of stock" situation. According to the latest industry insiders, the production capacity of Foxconn, the world's largest mobile phone foundry, has been restored by nearly 50%, and Apple ’s new iPhone SE2 (or iPhone 9) has officially entered the final trial production stage; iPhone SE2 models undergo final testing before mass production;
It is reported that the iPhone SE2 mobile phone will integrate the appearance design of the iPhone 8. At the same time, it will use Apple's latest A13 chip. The classic Touch ID fingerprint recognition button will also return. It will be equipped with a 4.7-inch LCD non-full screen on the front. Pixel camera with 3GB RAM and 64GB and 128GB storage configurations, starting at $ 399 (about 2770 yuan); this model will be officially launched in March, but due to some "factors", Apple The plan to launch this product may also change. According to foreign media, Apple will also cancel the situation of the offline press conference, and instead use the online release directly, and then sell directly on the official website.

Such an iPhone SE2 product, a "small-performance cannon" priced at around 3,000 yuan, does not support the 5G network, so can the iPhone SE2 stand out from the competition of many domestic 5G flagship mobile phones and become consumers' eyes? What about "True Fragrance" models? I don't know if you will be "circled" by this iPhone SE2?
I have to say that due to the "Wuhan epidemic", many offline events have indeed cancelled the "offline conference", and even Google has directly canceled the offline event of the Cloud Computing Conference Cloud Next. To be held online, the Google Developers Conference in May was also canceled. This shows that many global technology giants are worried about the epidemic. For many domestic mobile phone manufacturers, especially offline mobile phone sales stores, Not many, and 4G mobile phones also have a lot of inventory, so for offline mobile phone sales stores, it is undoubtedly under tremendous pressure.
Written at the end: For such an iPhone SE2 product, I wonder if you guys are looking forward to it?

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